

LP: 0-8146-2204-6

The New Jerome Bible Handbook
Raymond E. Brown, S.S.; Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J.; and Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm.; Editors
The biblical scholarship behind The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is now made accessible in a Bible Handbook for use in schools and parishes, as well as for individual use. No academic language or footnotes.

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary holds a pre-eminent position in serious academic Bible study. The Bible Handbook brings the fruits of this study outside the academic sphere to all those in parishes, courses, and schools who read the Scriptures, in groups or individually. This simplification has been prepared with the help and advice of the three editors of The New Jerome Biblical Commentary and each article has been submitted for approval to its orginal author.

The New Jerome Bible Handbook—the perfect guide for those who would grow in wisdom of the Word.

If commentaries you have used in the past have only made the Bible more of a mystery for you, try The New Jerome Bible Handbook.

You receive the quality scholarship behind the highly respected New Jerome Biblical Commentary but written and presented in a style accessible to all readers of God's Word.

The Bible is your book, written for you and your family to strengthen you, guide you, and bring you closer to God. You need a commentary that opens the Bible to you. The New Jerome Bible Handbook doesn't leave you wondering, it leaves you wonderfilled

  • Every Bible book is introduced.
  • The background to each is fully explained.
  • Maps and pictures help make the meaning clearer.
  • Thirteen articles are included, covering relevant topics ranging from archaeology to how we should understand the truth of the Bible.
  • The teaching of each book is brought out in detail.
  • A highlighted extract gives a taste of the style of each book.
  • A full index helps to make this an ideal one-volume reference book.
  • Inside pages are two-color.

Raymond E. Brown, S.S., is the former Auburn Distinguished Professor at Union Theological Seminary, holder of many honorary degrees and author of many books on the Bible.

Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J., is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at The Catholic University of America, and a specialist in New Testament studies.

Roland E. Murphy, O.Carm., is the George Washington Ivey Emeritus Professor at Duke University, and an experienced editor of biblical and theological journals; he has written on Wisdom literature and other subjects.

"A great venture! It brings the best of Catholic biblical scholarship into the Bible discussion group and makes it available to small Christian communities."
- Raymond Collins

"[T]his is a book that I should not hesitate to place in the hands of any young layperson or group of beginners in Bible study. It should be on the shelves of every parish library."
- Sewanee Theological Review

"This popularized offspring of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary published in 1990 will be a welcome addition to most libraries and to many individuals. . . . It is a must for school and parish libraries. . . ."
- Emmanuel

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