

RWD: 990-111

PLEASE NOTE: Not all colors are available in all sizes and stock is limited to what is on hand since these are no longer available. If the color and size you desire is not available, we will contact you about alternate choices.

These elegant Imitation Eel Skin bible cases are made of vinyl and are totally finished within with contrasting spine and rolled edge trim. Double stitching around the zipper provides extra reinforcement. Lies completely flat when open. Also available for Study Bibles with retractable handles.

Regular cases are available in small or large Burgundy or extra large Black. Tri-fold cases are also available in either Medium or Large Burgundy. They accommodate the following sizes of books:

  1. small: up to 8.5 x 5.5 x 1.5 inches (Burgundy only)
  2. medium: up to 9 x 6 x 1.5 (Burgundy Tri-fold only);
  3. large: up to 9.75 x 7 x 1.75 (Burgundy Tri-fold only); and,
  4. extra large: up to 11 x 7.75 x 1.75 (Black regular case only); and,
Prices are as follows:
  1. Regular case: $19.95
  2. Study Bible Tri-fold case with retractable handles: $29.95
Please specify your preference when ordering. If ordering the Tri-fold case, your price will be adjusted upon receipt of your order but will not be reflected on your program-generated receipt.
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