
BLESSINGS FROM THE FALL by Beverly Engel ($10.95)


Subtitled: Turning a Fall from Grace Into a New Beginning. For those who have experienced the shame of:

This book is for all those who have experienced the horrible, shame-inducing experiences of being publicly humilated; having their reputation ruined, their good name irretrievably damaged; or being robbed of their dignity. It is for the successful man who causes an accident while driving drunk and seriously injures or kills the driver of the other vehicle; the woman who risks everything-her family, her home-for an illicit affair. It is also for and about people who devote their lives to helping others,advancing an ideal or furthering a worthy cause, but who, through careless action, jeopardize their reputations: psychologist who becomes sexually involved with a patient; the alcoholic doctor who becomes careless and permanently disables a patient; the priest who sexually abuses a child.

There are few experiences as demoralizing, humiliating and painful as a fall from grace. Because of this,you face two options: you can either allow your fall to destroy you and your family, or you can use it as a catalyst for achieving a whole new life. If you are in the midst of a fall, what you need more than anything is hope: hope that things will get better, hope for the future, hope for a second chance. Renowned recovery author Beverly Engel will give you this hope.

If you or someone you love has suffered a fall, this book will help you accept it and move foward to a new life of promise. Instead of yeilding to the temptation to run away and hide in shame, you will learn what it takes to face things head-on. You will learn how to transform your life from shame and denial to recognition and self-awareness, and finally to acceptance and gratitude. You will understand how powerful and life changing-and positive-a fall from grace can be.

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