An exciting multi-media presentation providing a complete guide to the Catholic Church. Two Catholic Bibles, Hundreds of Church Documents and Encyclicals, all of Vatican II; 400 Saint stories; 2,000 years of Church History; Catholic Dogma; prayers; spirituality; 3,000 pages of moral teachings; a catechism;1,500 pictures, music and so much more!! This awesome collection contains over 20 volumes, $500.00 worth of books on one CD-ROM for only $79.95
New additions are in bold
- New American Bible
- RSV Bible: Catholic Edition
- Encyclopedic Dictionary of Biblical Terms
- Theology of the Body
- Maps, Music, and 1500 Illustrations
- Catena Aurea (Gospel Commentary by St. Thomas Aquinas)
- All Vatican II Documents
- Hundreds of modern church documents
- Sources of Catholic Dogma (Denzinger )
- Church Documents: Nicea - Vatican 1
- Cycle of Readings 1997-2006
- The Way of the Lord Jesus
- Moral Theology (3 Volumes):
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd Edition)
- The Roman Catechism
- Teaching your Children (Catechesis)
- The Catholic Catechism (Hardon)
- Vol. 1 Christian Moral Principles
- Vol. 2 Living a Christian Life
- Vol. 3 Difficult Moral Questions
- General Catechetical Directory (updated)
- The Sacraments
- Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite
- Liturgical Documents
- Homilies of Pope John Paul II
- Cycle of Readings (updated to new Lectionary)
- Sacraments and their Celebration
- Introduction to Spirituality (Bouyer)
- Catholic Prayers
- Catholic Household Spirituality: Sanctifying Time and Life in accord with the Liturgical Year (Huneger)
- My Daily Bread (Paone)
- Lives of the Saints (3 Volumes) (NOT Butlers)
- Recently canonized Saints
- Blessed Virgin Mary (Mersch S.J.)
- Church History (2 Volumes)
- Some Early Christian Fathers
- Church Timeline
- Ecclesiology: The Church of God (Bouyer)
- Chart of Church Organization
- Listings for all United States Dioceses
Hundreds of Modern Church Documents
And Many Many More!! With footnotes and scripture references hyper linked!
Welcome to the Catholic Church. A comprehensive presentation of the Catholic Faith, the disc provides an attractive and thoroughgoing treatment of the Church’s teaching, liturgy and life. Key church documents are organized into six major areas including divine revelation, church teaching, Mass and the sacraments, prayer and spirituality, saints and history, and church organization.
With computer use increasing at all levels in the Catholic Church (see Today’s Parish, October 1996), Welcome to the Catholic Church is uniquely designed to accommodate every type of user. A high-school student, for example, would find more than enough material on virtually any topic he or she chooses to investigate. A catechist or CCD teacher would also find the necessary resources for a wide variety of educational needs, along with color pictures that can be printed, often with accompanying biblical text. Priests will find ready access to classic and regularly-used church documents; seminarians might find themselves saving on textbook purchases!
"I have just begun to use Welcome to the Catholic Church on CD-ROM and am delighted and fascinated by it," said Dr. Ralph McInerny, Director of the Jacques Maritain Center for Philosophy at Notre Dame University. "The easy access to fundamental documents and source materials is of great benefit… Church history, liturgical music, maps, graphics. This is an extraordinary accomplishment."
Variety of sources provide a broad view of Catholic life
The developers of Welcome to the Catholic Church break new ground in terms of what is available for Catholics on computer. "Never before has the variety of key sources on the Catholic Faith been collected on a single CD — nor have they been arranged in a way that truly orients the user to the Catholic Faith. This has been our goal," said William VanSmoorenburg, president and publisher of Harmony Media.
Among the major sources included are all the documents of Vatican II, hundreds of modern Church documents, the RSV Bible (Catholic edition), the New American Bible, a three-volume lives of the saints and a two-volume church history, The Sources of Catholic Dogma by Denzinger, The Way of the Lord Jesus, (a three-volume work on moral theology by Dr. Germain Grisez), a Bible dictionary with 2,000 entries, writings of the early Church Fathers, Introduction to Spirituality by Louis Bouyer, The Catholic Catechism by John Hardon, S.J., and the popular devotional guide My Daily Bread. An index of over 20,000 entries has been compiled from all the major sources included.
The product is as beautiful as it is comprehensive, with an appreciation for the role that music, art and culture have always played in Catholic life. It contains over 1500 illustrations by 19th century artist James J. Tissot, along with hundreds of photographs depicting nature scenes, Stations of the Cross, Rosary, even the order of the Mass. The addition of sacred music by the renowned chant chorale Schola Pacifica results in a beautiful, even reverent presentation of the material. Welcome to the Catholic Church also has an entertaining side. For example, children, after looking up and reading a short biography on their patron saint (or that of their parents’ profession), can print out and color the drawing that accompanies each of the more than 400 saints. Children and adults can take a picture tour of the Vatican, including an explanation (along with an organization chart) of the Vatican offices, ad limina visits, etc.
Search and hyperlink capabilities uniquely fitted to Catholic teaching
The interrelated nature of all Catholic teaching is uniquely fitted to new "hyperlink" technology. Church documents frequently refer to each other, to the Bible, and to key historical Catholic Church teaching. On Welcome to the Catholic Church, each cross-reference is "hot-linked," allowing the user to jump directly to the exact location in the referenced document (for those documents included on the disc) where the text is found. The disc contains over 100,000 hot-links; footnotes can also be viewed in pop-up windows.
Searching by subject or by a selected word is both fast and powerful — the entire contents of the CD-ROM can be searched in seconds. Welcome to the Catholic Church also contains other advanced digital functionality, including the ability to manipulate the text by copying and pasting into documents, and the ability to append notes. Text can be copied, printed and saved to a floppy disc without going through a word processor.
Placement of "Bookmarks" allows quick access to commonly used sections, and "Annotation" supports the use of notes or comments that are "paper clipped" to a topic, and can be added, deleted, copied or pasted with a click of a mouse or a few keystrokes.
Harmony Media is a publisher of computer software for Catholics. It is a leader in providing major Catholic reference works in an attractive, integrated format, making use of "hyperlink" technology and the extensive storage capability of CD-ROM.
Software System requirements:
Windows ®: 386 or higher, 4MB RAM, Windows® 3. lx or Windows® 95, 98 Super VGA graphics card, monitor with 256 colors and CD-ROM drive. Sound card and speakers are needed for audio.
Macintosh ®: LC II or higher, 4MB free RAM, System 7.0 or higher, color monitor with 256 colors, CD-ROM drive.