

HAR: 1-890906-

Death and Resurrection
A Catechism Made Simple

Harmony Media continues the Catechism Made Simple on CD-ROM. series with the second CD-ROM. This program completes the Gospel. Bring together all 6 titles of Christ during his mission on earth. Teaching children through computer software, the series began with Life of Jesus Christ now followed with Death and Resurrection. The next two CD-ROM's on the Old Testament will complete the necessary scriptural foundation for and rest of the series will cover the articles of faith, the sacraments, Christian prayer and morality. 
Death and Resurrection
Part One: Prophet Begins directly where the Life of Jesus Christ CD left off. The first part of Jesus as the Prophet we find him being challenged to go to Judea where the Jew's are very upset with him. When he does get to Jerusalem at the end He is Prophesying the destruction of the Temple.
Part Two: Priest The Parable of the foolish bridesmaid begins Jesus Christ as Priest this short period of time ends with Peter denying Jesus three times.
Part Three: King Jesus Christ as King begins when he is taken to Pilate through the passion and Death of Jesus his reign did not end with his death but continues through The Ascension.

Catechism Made Simple on CD-ROM

Scripture and Catechism
Narration, text and artwork compliment this interactive journey through the Gospels

The gospel stories complete the harmonization of the four gospels. Each story is presented on one screen. Hidden is a Catechism Clue, scripture reference and Map for each individual story. Each clue relates a teaching from the new universal Catechism to the biblical story.
The full scriptural text is available through a Text button on the bottom of the screen.

The maps show a variety of lands and cities, giving the stories a greater familiarity in terms of the student's knowledge of the world.

During the Passion of Jesus a close map of Jerusalem shows you the different places where Jesus was persecuted.

Animated Illustrations
Pictures and sounds enrich each of the 125 bible stories
u Portraits come to life with animating techniques, sound effects and voices.
u Illustrations by the late French artist James Tissot
u Narration provided by the famous Catholic dramatist Leonardo DeFilippis
u Individual character voices enhance the presentation
Quizzes and Tests
Encouraging students to learn with frequent reviews.
How will you score?
Each story is followed by a quiz to ensure comprehension. Quizzes must be correctly completed in order to advance to the next story.

Death and Resurrection
A Catechism Made Simple
ISBN: 1-890906-10-7
Retail Price: $9.95
Our Price: $7.95

Death and Resurrection
A Catechism Made Simple
ISBN: 1-890906-12-3
Retail Price: $9.95
Our Price: $7.95

System Requirements:
Windows: 386 or higher, 8MB RAM, Windows 95,98,NT, SuperVGA graphics card, monitor with 16 Bit high color, 16 Bit sound card and speakers are needed for audio and CD-ROM Drive.
Macintosh: LCII or higher, 8MB RAM, System 8.0 or higher, color monitor with 16 Bit high colors, and CD-ROM drive.

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