LORD'S PRAYER, THE, The prayer that Jesus taught two thousand years ago ($8.95)
PP: 0-8091-6679-8
In spare yet elegant language, the author explains the meaning of Christianity's best-known prayer. First she introduces the man named Jesus who taught the prayer and recounts his parable of the prodigal son. Jesus ended the parable by comparing God to the prodigal son's loving father. The author then repeats the Lord's Prayer. For each phrase she adds an explanation that every child can understand. Richly colored illustrations have a simplicity that appeals to all ages. This lovely book is appropriate for explaining the prayer not only to children but to adults of both Christian and non-Christian faiths. The explanation subtly goes beyond the message of a loving father who cares for us and fills our daily needs; it also suggests humanity's response: stewardship and ecology, the theme of our caring in return for all peoples and for the earth itself. The illustrations add yet another dimension, depicting a comforting, angel-guarded world that will deeply reassure children of God's love. The Lord's Prayer makes a lovely and meaningful gift for all occasions, from birthdays and holidays to the celebration of the sacraments. It's an incredibly valuable resource for parents and grandparents, pastors, directors of religious ed, evangelization teams, RCIA sponsors, Christian daycare centers, Christian pediatricians, and child or family counselors. Of course, every Christian teacher will also want a copy--whether a home-schooling parent, or a teacher of parochial or Sunday school, CCD or vacation Bible school. In addition, parish teams that minister to hospitals, homeless shelters, or prisons will also find this little book very useful.