WJK: 0-664-25442-X
This indispensable, stimulating guide will assist students, seminarians, and pastors by providing a practical method for careful exegesis of the New Testament. It gives step-by-step analysis of the exegetical procedures, a brief guide to exegesis for sermon preparation, and resources for further study.
Since the first edition was published, much has happened. The composition of the theological student body has changed and the majority of students do not know Greek; an enormous amount of secondary literature has been produced: computer-aided research materials have burgeoned; and rhetorical criticism has become a significant presence in exegetical materials. This new volume reflects those changes and opens up new ways of hearing the New Testament. It offers many helpful insights into interpretation and can be used alone or as a companion to Douglas Stuart's Old Testament Exegesis.
"A dependable, thoughtful, and thorough guide to the interpretation of the New Testament."--Marianne Meye Thompson, Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California
"Gordon Fee's book on New Testament exegesis has been a standard textbook for the past decade. Full of sage counsel and condensed information, it has helped thousands of students take the first steps in responsible exegesis. This new edition makes the work more user friendly to those with minimal Greek."--D.A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois