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Here is an attempt to understand what was in the apostles'
minds when they used such words as "redeem," "covenant,"
"propitiate," "reconcile," and "justify." Morris studies these
themes against the background of the relevant Old Testament passages, takes into account the light shed on the
meanings of these words in the everyday language of New
Testament times by the manuscript discoveries of recent
years, and compares apostolic terminology to that used by
the rabbinic writings.
The result of Morris's careful background research is a
lucent and rewarding study of one of the major themes of
Christian theology- the death of Christ and the interpretation of its significance by the early church.
LEON MORRIS is Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne, and
the author of numerous books and commentaries. He is also
the honored recipient of a volume of essays edited by Robert
Banks under the title Reconciliation and Hope.
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