ORDAINED TO PREACH by Charles E. Miller, C.M. ($12.95)
ALBA: 0-8189-0637-5
Preaching is always a reflection of one's spirituality. It is both prophetic
and incarnational, a lived experience in faith for both the preacher and his
listeners. In this work, Father Miller focuses on all aspects of the art with
the goal of helping preachers not only to preach what Jesus preached but
to do it in the way he did it. He draws extensively on the example of Jesus
as a practical and universal model, never forgetting that authentic preaching is not words about God, but the word of God itself. Priests and
ministers, deacons and seminarians and all who are pursuing a curriculum
in homiletics will find much in this volume to aid them in the preparation
of homilies for Sundays and other liturgical celebrations. Each of its
twenty-one chapters ends with a summary of the contents and an exercise
for practical application.
About the author: Father Charles E. Miller, C.M.
has been teaching the theology and practice of
preaching to seminarians, deacons and priests for
over thirty-five years at St. John's Seminary in
Camarilio, California where he served as rector
from 1978 to 1987. The author of a weekly column
on the liturgy for six diocesan newspapers, he was
the first recipient of the Laudatus award from
Cardinal Mahony for "excellence in the promotion
of the liturgical life of the parishes and people of the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles." This is his twelfth
book for Alba House.