PAUL'S PASTORAL VISION by William F. Maestri ($12.95)
ALBA: 0-8189-0556-5
Problem-solving through technological control over our environment has not produced the happiness expeded by those
who longed for the day when God would become a useless
illusion. For every problem solved, a new one has risen to
challenge us afresh. We remain an enigma even to ourselves.
Wonder and mystery continue to surround us and we are still
looking for answers. Jesus alone provides satisfactory insights
into the meaning and truth of our lives. His pastoral approach
--as exemplified by the life of St. Paul and expounded on in his
pastoral letters -- is the model for the Church today. In this
latest of his books, Fr. Maestri discusses at length the question
of leadership in the Church, the role of tradition and teaching,
the moral life, vocation and ministry (a crisis of confidence and
enthusiasm), and the pastoral mission of the Church to the
world (with insights taken from liberation theology). A thoughtful, provocative and timely study.
Aboul the Author: The author of A Priest To
Turn To, Mary, Model of Justice, A Word in
Season, A Time for Peace, A Time to be (Re)Born, and Choose Life and Not Death, Father
William F. Maestri is a priest of the archdiocese
of New Orleans. He presently teaches
philosophy at St. Joseph College seminary, is
chaplain at Mercy Academy and a teacher of
medical ethics at Charity Hospital. He is
likewise involved in parish ministry at the
church of Sts. Peter and Paul and is a regular
contributor to Pastoral Life magazine. This is his