WORD IN SEASON, A by William F. Maestri ($6.95)
ALBA: 0-8189-0459-3
Read these gems and your homilies will sparkle with added lustre.
Your talks on baptism, communion, reconciliation, confirmation,
matrimony, priesthood, healing and death will be given an ultra
sharp edge.
Your presentation on those special occasions, such as the opening
of the school year, graduations, religious professions, and civil
holidays will be given new twists.
The one homily presented here on suicide should be on every
preacher's shelf since this tragic reality is today all too common and
one of the most difficult topics for a preacher to adequately handle.
"Father Maestri has clearly worked hard to be a professional with
his homilies and he has done all of us a service by sharing his
professionalism with us." Fr. Andrew Greeley
Father William F. Maestri is professor of philosophy at the New
Orleans archdiocesan seminary, St. Joseph College, and teaches
medical ethics at Charity Hospital. He is chaplain at Mercy
Academy and is involved in parish ministry at Saints Peter and
Paul Church. He is active in adult religious education programs
throughout the archdiocese, and is the author of The God For
Every Day, A Time to Be (Re)Born, and A Time for Peace.