LORD OF LIGHT by St. Louis Jesuits ($16.95)
OCP: 9480
This popular collection offers an inspirational reflection on the seasons and events in the Christian life.
Contents ("p" = piano, "g" = guitar):
- All The Ends Of The Earth (#10475 - $1.35)
- Answer When I Call (#5693g - $.50)(#5694p - $.60)
- City Of God (#9739 - $1.10)
- Here I Am, Lord (#9492 - $1.00)
- Jesus The Lord (#9935 - $1.00)
- Lift Up Your Hearts (#9938 - $1.00)
- May We Praise You (#9934 - $1.00)
- Only This I Want (#10486 - $1.10)
- Redeemer Lord (#11154 - $1.90)
- Save Us, O Lord (#9495 - $1.00)
- This Alone (#9937 - $.95)
Available as a compact disc for $14.95 (list $16.95) or as a cassette for $8.95 (list $10.95). Songbooks for the piano [$9.95 (list $10.95)]or guitar [$8.95 (list $9.95)] are also available. Individual chorals of each selection are also available at the prices noted below. A 15% discount will be granted for orders of more than 10 chorals (single or multiple titles). Please specify your preference when ordering. If ordering the cassette, chorals or songbooks, the prices will be adjusted upon receipt of your order. If ordering more than one item, please note that in the text box on the order form.