
UP FROM THE WATERS (Music for Christian Initiation) by Marty Haugen ($16.95)

GIA: 404

For the important rites of Christian initiation, Marty Haugen has produced a timely and useful collection that will bring to life the musical moments of the rite itself, the sacred days of the Triduum, and the glorious time of mystagogia.

Music for the rite of acceptance, the signing of the senses, the dismissal of candidates, and the celebration of the scrutinies is all included. (Some of these acclamations appear in the hymnal RitualSong.) Marty's gift for writing assembly music in a call-and-response style, complete with parts for cantor and priest, is quite evident here. You'll definitely want to consider this whole collection when planning your community's Triduum and Easter season. So You Must Do, for foot washing, along with Your Love Endures and At the Dawn of Creation for the Vigil, will make your Triduum "sparkle". At the Table of Christ Jesus is ideal for first communion, and Glory and Praise to You, O God gives new life to the time-honored Easter Alleluia.

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Available as a compact disc, cassette for $9.95 (list: $10.95) or music book for $12.95 (list: $14.95). Please indicate your preference when ordering. If ordering the cassette and/or music book, the price will be adjusted upon receipt of your order but will not be shown on your program-generated receipt. If ordering more than one item, please use the text box provided on the order form.
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