GATHER US IN by Marty Haugen ($16.95)+
GIA: 162
- Eye Has Not Seen;
- Gather Us In;
- My Soul in Stillness Waits;
- Peace Is Only a Starry Night;
- Rejoice, Rejoice;
- To You, O Lord;
- The Light of Christ;
- How Beautiful Upon the Mountains;
- Let Us Open Our Lives;
- Your Love Is Finer Than Life;
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is;
- Quiet Breeze; and,
- In Beauty We Walk
Available as a compact disc, cassette for $9.95 (list: $10.95) or music book for $6.95 (list: $7.95). Please indicate your preference when ordering. If ordering the cassette and/or music book, the price will be adjusted upon receipt of your order but will not be shown on your program-generated receipt. If ordering more than one item, please use the text box provided on the order form.
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