
EVERYTHING BELONGS by Richard Rohr ($16.95)

CRSRD: 0-82451-652-4

Using parables, koans, and personal experiences, Richard Rohr leads us beyond the techniques of prayer to a place where we can receive the gift of contemplation: the place where (if only for a moment) we see the world in God clearly, and know that everything belongs.

Richard Rohr has written this book to help us pray better and see life differently. He teaches us that there are not two worlds - a sacred and a profane. There are two ways of seeing the same world. If we can let go of who we think we are, we can see who we really are. And when we do, we will see the sacred for ourselves.

Rohr encourages us to take on a "beginner's mind," to unlearn old habits and learn to stand reality on its head. The benefit is the gift of contemplation: "a way of living in awareness of the Presence, even enjoying the Presence. We trust, allow, and delight in it. We see how everything fits, and know that everything belongs."

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