ABG: 0-687-02465-X
Teaching Children Bible Basics is a book of 34 Old and New Testament lessons that help children 8–10 learn how to use the Bible. The lessons and activities are designed to teach children how the Bible came to be, how to use this important book, about the Torah, and the important stories of the Hebrew and Christian Testaments.
Key Features:
- 16 Old Testament and 20 New Testament lessons
- Provides 30- to 45-minute experiential lessons that teach children how to use the Bible
- Each lesson accommodates the needs of various learning styles
- Each lesson highlights a specific desired result (for example, students will discover and retell the creation story day by day)
- Each lesson includes a lesson focus, a Scripture text, a section listing materials needed, various learning activities, discussion questions related to the Bible topics being “discovered,” and a closing prayer
Key Benefits:
Teachers will be enabled to teach children aged 8–10 basic Bible skills through interactive Bible lessons that stimulate creativity and critical thinking
Teachers will find practical help and guidance in how children can gain a working knowledge of the structure of the Bible,the organization of the books of the Bible, and the significance of the Bible to Christians
Can be used with any Bible translation