Subtitled "Living With Bereavement". This book is an attempt to look at some of the things that go on when people face a loss of someone or something significant in their lives. It is not meant to be a book with a message of "here's how to cope". There is no right way to handle grief...
This book tries to identify some of the common factors that can be found in different sorts of loss. It tries to point out that it is a common, though devastating, experience; that most people do survive it, but their lives are forever changed by it.
Title chapters include:
Jenifer Pardoe has wide experience meeting with dying and grieving people and uses this book to look at various responses to a range of bereavements, including miscarriage, the death of children, and losing a partner or parent. She explores the sorts of questions faced by grieving people emotionally, socially, and spiritually; and she also provides down-to-earth suggestions for those who want to stand alongside bereaved friends and family.
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