CSS: 0-89536
This scripture reference resource provides the pastor, those who select music for the service, and others involved in assisting with the planning of worship with scholarly yet practical guidance. An overview of the tone and theme for each Sunday in the church year is followed by concise yet in-depth information about each scripture text appointed for the day. Material is included for the First Lesson, the Psalm of the day, the Second Lesson, and the Gospel. Individuals who assist the pastor by reading the lections during worship will find useful reference material here as they seek to background the texts for listeners. Clergy will return again and again to this volume for overview and background resource material as the homiletical task is undertaken.
Norman A. Beck is chairman of the Department of Theology and Philosophy at Texas Lutheran College, Sequin, Texas. A graduate of Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary, both in Columbus, Ohio, he received the Ph.D. degree from Princeton Theological Seminary. A native of Oak Harbor, Ohio, he is married and the father of three children. He previously served two Lutheran congregations in Michigan, and ahs serve as instructor at both Capital University and Princeton Theological Seminary. His scholarly work has been published in Journal of Biblical Literature, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, Augsburg Adult Bible Studies, Parish Teacher, and Church Teachers.
Available of each of the three years of the lectionary cycle or as a specially-priced set of all three. Please indicate your preference when ordering. If ordering the set of three volumes, the price will be adjusted upon receipt of your order but will not be reflected on your program-generated receipt. Prices are as follows:
- Year A: $10.95 (list:
- Year B: $10.95 (list:
- Year C: $10.95 (list:
- All three years: $29.95 (list:
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