DE PROFUNDIS by the Daughters of Mary ($14.95)
LIG: K1130
Features 20 songs sung by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Our Savior. Many of them focus on the love of God, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Blessed Sacrament, as well as the Blessed Mother. Songs include:
- De Profundis
- Soul of My Savior
- Ave Verum
- Immaculate Mary
- Sweet Sacrament Divine
- Mother Dear O Pray For Me
- O Sacred Heart Surrounded
- Ave Maria
- Jesus My Lord My God My All
- O Lord I Am Not Worthy
- O Sanctissima
- O Salutaris Hostia
- Tantum Ergo
- Holy God We Praise Thy Name
- Jesus As Though Thyself Wert Here
- Hail Holy Queen
- Jesus The Very Thought Of Thee
- Jesus Jesus Come To Me
- Mother Dearest Mother Fairest
- To Jesus Heart All Burning.
One compact disc: 60 minutes