JESUS CALLS by Justo Gonzalez ($9)*
ABG: 0-687-00740-2
Jesus Calls is written by the prolific and respected writer, Justo L. González, a United Methodist minister born in Cuba, a retired member of the Río Grande Conference of the United Methodist Church, and a former faculty member Candler School of Theology. The book explores several biblical accounts of how Jesus calls people and what these accounts suggest for contemporary Christian life. In this eight-session study , the reader will:
- understand that the call of Jesus not only invites and summons, it also creates, re-creates, shapes, and empowers;
- see that the call of Jesus is not always a dramatic call to something unusual or heroic, but that it can also come as a series of calls experienced as minor steps in daily life;
- examine the way our discipleship takes shape according to our view of Jesus;
- explore the cross of Jesus and the relationship of suffering and self-denial in the call that invites us to discover our true selves;
- explore how the church is a family, how this relates to our own calling from Jesus, and how it may help in responding to difficulties now facing the family as an institution;
- understand that Jesus calls us and meets us through serving others;
- see that the call of Jesus can come through other people, both inside and outside the church;
- understand the Great Commission as both a calling and a sending into witness and service;
Within these sessions, Gonzalez helps readers rediscover Gods continuing call through Jesus Christ and the ways responding to this call can revitalize faith and inspire witness and service to others in the contemporary world.
Scripture references are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Each session is self-contained and includes study helps and questions for reflection that are all you need to lead a group or pursue the study on your own.
Bible study in eight sessons:
- Session One: Jesus Calls Into Existence (John 1:1-14). The call of Jesus not only invites and summons, it also creates, re-creates, shapes, and empowers.
- Session Two: Jesus Calls Into Discipleship (Luke 5:1-11). The call of Jesus is not always a dramatic call to something unusual or heroic, but that it can also come as a series of calls experienced as minor steps in daily life.
- Session Three: Jesus Calls by Naming and Renaming (Matt. 16:13-20). Examines the way discipleship takes shape according to one's view of Jesus.
- Session Four: Jesus Calls Into Death and Life (Matt. 16:21-26). Explors the cross of Jesus and the relationship of uffering and self-denial in the call that invites people to discover their true selves.
- Session Five: Jesus Calls Into Family (Matt. 12:46-50). Explores how the church is a family, how this relates to one's own calling from Jesus, and how it may help in responding to difficulties now facing the family as an institution.
- Session Six: Jesus Calls Into Service (Matt. 25:31-46). Helps readers understand that Jesus calls and meets people through their serving others.
- Session Seven: Jesus Calls Through Others (Acts 10). Helps readers see that the call of Jesus can come through other people, both inside and outside the church.
- Session Eight: Jesus Calls Into Mission (Matt. 28:16-20). Helps readers understand the Great Commission as both a calling and a sending into witness and service.
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