
BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE by Todd Outcalt ($12)


In our high-speed, high-pressure world, many of us feel that our lives are too complex and tough - even out of control. We simplify, organize and prioritize to improve the quality of our lives only to find that something is still missing. If you have ever experienced this feeling, The Best Things in Life Are Free is a book that you must read. This refreshing work will teach you how to discover the true secret to a happy life, a secret you may have forgotten: Life's greatest joys are found in the little things that make life worth living - relationships, feelings and hopes.

The book is divided into five parts, each addressing important aspects of our lives: family, friends and children; faith, hope and love; personal goals, meaningful work and inspired volunteerism; simple pleasures, joyful laughter and natural wonders; good health, memories and rest. The author explores these ideas in a heartwarming collection of personal anecdotes, hopeful stories and inspiring insights that will open your mind as well as your heart.

The Best Things in Life Are Free is a book that you will read again and again as a source of comfort during times of sorrow and as an affirmation of life's inherent sweetness during times of joy. As children, we all cherished and rejoiced in the simple pleasures of life-wildflowers, sunsets, butterflies, spring rain, warm hugs, afternoon naps. Even more than cherishing and rejoicing in them, we respected our need for them and their importance. The Best Things in Life Are Free will lead you toward recapturing those feelings and transforming your life into one that allows and honors irrepressible joy, boundless respect and gratitude for all "the little things." It will remind you that the most invaluable gifts we receive in life are, indeed, free - and you will no doubt find yourself celebrating this reminder for many years to come.

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