
MYSTERY OF CHRIST, THE by Robert Farrar Capon ($20)*


Widely recognized as a creative, insightful writer, Robert Farrar Capon offers still more of lhis uniquely provocative fare in The Mystery of Christ...And Why We Don't Get It. This engaging book probes the meaning of salvation - peace, forgiveness, grace, reconciliation - spoken of in the New Testament as a "mystery".

Reminding his readers, sometimes in startling ways, that salvation is a gift rather than a transaction, Capon uses a variety of dialogues to drive home the truth that "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ". Along the way, he explores guilt, forgiveness, love, anger, romance, grief, spiritual contentment, the Incarnation, reincarnation, resurrection and more - and manages to make salvation something fresh and new in the process.

"The Mystery Of Christ" is vintage Capon - wit, compassion, and a firm hold on the fact that the gospel is 'good news' without reserve. Closet Puritans and Pharisees beware: Capon refuses to let guilt sneak in and make a system of redemption out of Christianity." - Pheme Perkins, Boston College.

"This is an exuberant, triumphant theology...A rigorous Paulinist, Capon is at least half right - a very good score for a theologian." - James A. Carpenter, General Theological Serminary.

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