
LIFESIGNS by Henri J. M. Nouwen ($10)

IMG: 0-385-23628-X

Henri J. M. Nouwen has the special ability to genuinely touch the lives of many through the depth and scope of his writing. In LIFESIGNS he examines three diverse and vital aspects of Christianity.

The first of these is the Gospel invitation to intimacy, which Henri Nouwen describes as communion with God and relationship with others. The second is the call to fecundity, exhorting us to be open to a fruitful life of change and growth. And the third, the experience of ecstasy, extends the Gospel promise "that your joy may be full:'

Inspired by L'Arche, a worldwide network of communities where mentally handicapped people and their assistants try to live together in the spirit of the Gospel, Nouwen shows how these three elements offer the essential key to a life free from the domination of fear, and filled instead with hope and love.

LIFESIGNS provides an illuminating beacon along our common spiritual journey.

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