TW: 1-85607-192-8

In the mid-1980's, a process of parish renewal was initiated in the Dublin diocese. In the years since then, the process has expanded and become consolidated in such a way as to make it far and away the most significant pastoral initiative in the diocese in the thirty years since Vatican II.

The two volumes of this book present the fruits of the experience to date. Volume one presents what has been learned over the years about what is involved in parish renewal. Parish Renewal is about a new way of being together in the parish; it invites God's people to think about parish in a new way. This has meant a new experience of Church for many people, a new sense of hope in the parishes, and a new focus for energy for the diocese as a whole.

Volume two gathers together the resources that have been developed in order to further the process of renewal.

Donal Harrington is a priest of the Dublin diocese. He teaches theology at Mater Dei Institute and is a member of the team of pastoral coordinators of parish renewal in the diocese.

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