PREPARING THE HOMILY (Video) by Walter Burghardt, S.J.

LTP: 1-56854-140-6 (CODE: JWORDS)

"An unprepared homilist is a pastoral peril", says Walter Burghardt. What is adequate, appropriate preparation? How can the radical dimension of the gospel as it touches society be heard in the church?

Burghardt leads us step-by-step through both remote and proximate preparation for effective preaching. He explores the role of scripture, theology and tradition and demonstrates how to translate these into popular language. Biblical justice based on fidelity to God, our sisters and brothers and the earth is contrasted with ethical justice. From the example of this master preacher, we learn the role of imagination and rhetoric in preaching. Burghardt shares with the viewer a practical, realistic approach to preparation and gives suggestions for homilies on special occasions.

Anyone who preaches, either regularly or occasionally, including those who preach to children, will be enlightened and encouraged by these wise words.

Also in the Preaching the Just Word Series:

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