Welcome to my Homiletic Resources webpage! This page has been on the web since April 1997, and has evolved over that time from a place where I could post my own homilies to what I hope will be a one-stop resource page for preachers of the Word of all denominations. Resources are listed in the pages which follow according to the various texts of the day for either the Revised Common (RCL), Roman Catholic (RC) or Episcopal (EL) lectionaries. I now spend every waking hour perusing over 250 different web sites (with more being added all the time) to cull the best of what is available for each of the readings for each Sunday and major feast of the liturgical year. Also available are materials which I receive from other contributors and which are posted ONLY to this site, as well as excerpts from resources available through the HRC bookstore and my own homilies, which also are only available here. All totaled, I average more than 350 links for each Sunday's readings.
Stories and illustrations which I have used, or have received from others, and for which I have acquired permissions, are posted in the Story List and Thematic Index of Stories pages. Homilies are also indexed by Scriptural text, liturgical year and theme, although the latter page needs some serious updating. Join the more than 600 fellow preachers, ministers, priests, deacons and lay ministers who annually find this page indispensable to their preaching and ministries!!!
Click the link above to visit the main page of my book store, or any or the links below to go to any special page. If you are looking for a particular title and do not see it listed on any of the pages below, please feel free to contact me or call my toll-free number (1-877-4DCNSIL or 1-877-432-6745) and I will be glad to see what I can do. There are also many books that I have already ordered which I have not had a chance to upload to these pages, so just give me a holler with any questions. I do accept all major credit cards to expedite your order and I have a secure server to receive your credit card numbers safely across the internet.
"It is the greatest shot of adrenaline to be doing what you've wanted to do so badly. You almost feel like you could fly without the plane."
-- Charles Lindbergh
"Your calling is that place where your true joy and the world's great need meet."
-- Frederick Buechner