Prayers for Worship
Prayers for Worship
by Rudolph Mueller

Leader: We have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Therefore, let us pray for the Church, the world, and all those in need (a brief silence).

Leader: Let us pray for the Church, that through it the wisdom of God in its rich variety might be made known to the rulers and authorities in heaven and on earth. God of light and life:

Community: Hear us, we pray.

Leader: Let us pray for the ministers and bishops of the Church, that they may faithfully proclaim the good news of the boundless riches of Christ. God of light and life:

Leader: Let us pray for the peoples of the world, that there may be an abundance of grain upon the earth; that there may be an abundance of peace till the moon shall be no more; and that all the earth may be filled with the glory of God. God of light and life:

Leader: Let us pray for this holy assembly, that our sins may be forgiven, and that we may have the wisdom to see the life of God in our midst and the generosity to share it with others. God of light and life:

Leader: Let us pray for those in hospitals, and for all who are sick and suffering, especially ....... that the healing light of God may shine upon them. God of light and life:

Leader: Let us pray for those in nusring homes, the homebound, those who grieve and mourn, and all who are troubled in spirit, especially .......... that they may see Christ's presence in their life and their hearts thrill and rejoice. God of light and life:

Leader: We give thanks for the lives of all who have walked in the light of Christ, and now rest from their labors, especially Mary the Mother of our Lord, Joseph his Guardian, and all those we name..................... Let us pray that we may proclaim the praise of God and offer God our gifts, and at the last be raised from our graves to share in the joys that are eternal. God of light and life:

Leader: O God of the universe, with a star's radiance you guided the nations to the Light of the world; in a prophte's words you revealed the mystery of the Messiah's coming; through the Magi's gifts you unfolded the richness of the Savior's mission. Scatter again the darkness that covders the earth and divides the peoples. Make our hearts thrill anew to see the multitudes carried as sons and daughters in your arms. In Christ and through his Gospel, draw the ends of the earth into your family, that disparate cultures and warring nations may be gathered together as one. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever.

C: Amen.