December 25, 2008
Prayers for Worship
by David von Schlichten
Leader: Glory to God in the highest,
People: and peace on earth among those whom he favors.
Leader: The hillside lights up with heavenly brilliance. Then clamor fills the streets as stunned shepherds search for the Messiah.
People: The infant Christ lies sleeping under the watch of Mary and Joseph.
Leader: We kneel our hearts before the Incarnation.
People: Christ is born to die and rise.
All: Glory to God in the highest!
Holy Spirit, sanctify this sacred, twelve-day season. Whether this time is sorrowful, joyful, relaxing, stressful, or a combination of these, may we experience the wise serenity of the Nativity, which gives us hope and compels us to loving action. In the name of the Incarnate One we pray. Amen.
We lay our sins before the Baby – all the wrong we do, all the good we fail to do. We are confident that, through the coming of the Son, we, the baptized, are set free from sin, death, and Satan.
Alleluia! Peace on earth among those whom God favors. Jesus allowed himself to become human so he could endure death and thereby defeat it. An infant saves us from all our sins. No matter what sins you have committed, Christ has sprung you free.
Logos, teach us through the sermon that you have overcome the darkness.
Emmanuel, we exalt you for being with the Church throughout two millennia. You have honored us by making us part of your body. Bless Christians of every place and time, that we may be one in our celebration of your breaking into the world. King of kings, (congregational response: we magnify you.).
Your love is more powerful than all the Herods combined. Bless the United States and every nation, including all leaders. Comfort troops and others who cannot be home during the holydays. Give us the courage to put an end to war. Prince of Peace, . . .
Jesus our brother, kind and good, we cannot thank you enough for loved ones. Throughout the holydays, keep us safe in travel, free of dysfunction, and full of good cheer. Help us to tend to those who are lonely, sick, or grieving, especially [Add names]. Embolden us to yield joy for all the world. Lord of lords, . . .
(You may add other praises or petitions here...)
Wonderful Counselor, we entrust our needs and praise to you, full of glowing faith in your healing reign. Amen.
Because, by your mercy, we are wise men and women, we present these gifts as an expression of our adoration of you and of our longing to help end suffering.
Leader: Not just today, but throughout the twelve days, may we celebrate the nativity of our Lord
People: in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Alleluia.
Leader: Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born!
Leader: Joy to the world! Gloria in excelsis Deo!
People: Gloria in excelsis Deo! Joy to the world!