Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Advent 3C by Ron Gordon

Luke 3: 7-18

God of mercy and justice, help us align our lives to bring forth fruits of peace and love. May our ways of responding to others always seek their good and bring understanding and generosity to our relationships, we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Creator God, whose wonders surround us with mystery and delight, you are faithful and true in all your dealings with us, through the giving of the Law and in the words of the prophets. You ask your people to have just attitudes and behaviour towards others: not to abuse, exploit or oppress others. Create in us clean hearts that are not diseased by pride, greed, or envy and the desire for possessions: Lord, have mercy. Lord, Jesus, true Son of the Father, we ask you what then shall we do when it comes to acting justly towards others? You call us to the freedom which loves others and will not harm them, but aid them towards fullness of life with you. When the demand on our generosity of spirit and of wealth overwhelms us, we will cry to you: Christ, have mercy. Spirit who aids us in our weakness and broadens our vision to the needs of all our neighbours, help us see the folk around us as part of us, so that when one is in need, all suffer. Open our hearts and minds to include the struggles of others in our prayers and assistance, so that we know we belong to one another: Lord, have mercy. Most generous and merciful God hear our prayer, assure us of your forgiveness and lead us into new ways of serving you in loving and caring for others: we ask in the name of Jesus who gave himself to and for us all, and who with you and the Holy Spirit is blessed forever and ever. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
standing still by Jenn Gordon
Luke 3: 7-18 it’s not enough that I come because my family has always been connected and it feels right it’s not enough that I come because it’s wise to subscribe to a higher ideal than the dross on offer elsewhere it’s not enough that I come to mouth the words of prayers and songs and float along on the gasp of goodwill and grand plans it will never be enough until I shed my skin of self interest and propensity for power and turn around so, burn refiner’s fire, burn consume the chaff blown free by your holy breath that wrapped itself around my heart to falsely shield and shelter me and then stripped bare, let me come and stand in the ground of your grace drink your blessing, put down roots and in your season, bear the fruits (Comments to Jenn at