Prayers and Poem for Worship

Prayers for Worship Easter 4C by Ron Gordon

John 10: 22-30

God and Father of Jesus your humble servant among your people with no claims of his own except the doing of your work: we praise you for your gift of the Good Shepherd. May we and all his flock follow where he leads, confident in his powerful caring love, we ask in his name. Amen.

Eternal Lord and Shepherd of Israel, you speak to us in the prophets seeking justice and peace for your people. You have spoken with us in the words and deeds of Jesus our Good Shepherd: where we fail to hear and discern the truth of his words and do not see and understand his works as having their origin in you: Lord, have mercy. Lord Jesus, you defend your flock at the cost of your life on the cross, which is our grief and your glory. You made all your life a simple gift to your Father and to all people, offering food for the hungry, healing for the ill, comfort for the distressed and security for the lost. When we fail to see the hand of God in all your gifts to us and lose ourselves in idle speculation and criticism: Christ, have mercy. Holy and life-giving Spirit, loving wisdom of our God, you open our minds to know Jesus as our redeeming Lord, the true Saviour of the world and whether it recognizes him or not, keep us true to him in our words and deeds and allow us to show him to others around us in humility and love: Lord, have mercy. Holy God, you forgive our sins when we truly turn to you, and you set us free from the shackles of the past. We adore you as the fount of all goodness and love. May we live and give freely in our praise and thanksgiving, to the one glorious and blessed God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit through all our days, and may we dwell in the kingdom of your love. Amen. © 2010 Ron Gordon (used with permission)
in or out by Jenn Gordon
John 10:22-30 this is no lofty perch set high above the seething plain removed from pain since you reached out and laid your flesh upon the earth through human birth your dwelling place is open-house, one great address for all who can confess you call and life replies from wall to wall sleepers awake worn pilgrims take their rest and all are fed and find a bed so why do I waste weeks within the wintry dark of doubt not certain if I’m in or if I’m out? (Comments to Jenn at