Prayers for Worship Proper 22 by Ron GordonMark 10: 2-16
Collect:Creator God, you have made a wondrous world for all the life you formed. You have given us one another to know and delight in, and your Son has given himself for our re-creation and reconciliation. May your Spirit bind us together so that we love and serve one another as you had in mind for us. Holy and Blessed is God forever. Amen.
Prayer:God of Israel, you generously gave the Law through Moses to guide your people in life enhancing ways as a true community of peace and justice. We have all failed to respond with our Yes to your will, and have lost ourselves in the by-ways of disobedience. You are the God and Father of Jesus who called us back to your will for all to live in freedom and justice. As we have closed our ears to your Law, so we have closed our eyes to his Cross: Lord, have mercy. Jesus our Lord, you bring us back to the will of our Creator for our life together as persons in caring love for one another. When we fail to consider the needs of other persons and hurt or exploit them for our own needs, and so damage relationships: Christ, have mercy. Spirit of God, you are the very essence of true fellowship with God and with one another: we rejoice in all the friendships and help we have received, and what we have been able to give others. Help us to remain open to receive as well as to give to enhance our community: may we serve and be served in the way of Jesus: Lord, have mercy. Jesus, Lord of all children and little ones, you accept and offer nurture to all, without favour or cost: help us protect and defend all the helpless, lost, exploited and forgotten: for you hear our prayers, forgive our sins and lead us into eternal life. Holy and Blessed is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. © 2009 Ron Gordon (used with permission)communion life by Jenn GordonMark 10:2-16 in you, I am and deep beneath the separate surface between this weathering boat and yours where happy endings float false, fairy-tale between us mercurial as the moonlights slippery silver-lipped kiss we are and what looks lost to dreams is simply what it seems communion life begins with broken bread, tales around the table and the daily pull of loves persistent thread weaving and receiving through trusting, reaching hands the embracing of the blessing of being joined I am, in you (Comments to Jenn at