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Updated 3 hours ago Quick Locator Readings Resources Information Luke 2: 1-14 (all) Luke 2: 1-20 (optional RCL & EL) Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20)(Narrative)(2024) Psalm 96: 1-3, 11-13 (RC) Psalm 96: 1-13 (RCL & EL) Isaiah 9: 1-6 (RC) Isaiah 9: 2-7 (RCL) Isaiah 9: 2-4, 6-7 (EL) Links 441 Categories 20 Last Updated 3 hours ago Last Checked 3 hours ago
Members see 11 resources in this category.
Members see 9 resources in this category.
Members see 12 resources in this category.
Members see 11 resources in this category.
Members see 13 resources in this category.
Members see 14 resources in this category.
Members see 5 resources in this category.
Members see 8 resources in this category.
(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are
normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual
texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these
Members see 22 resources in this category.
(Resources listed here reference more than one reading and are
normally shorter than the resources listed under the individual
texts above. If you are looking to link the readings, check these
Members see 51 more resources in this category.
Hymn Text by Tracy Brown and Tom Jackson
Members see 53 more resources in this category.
Members see 17 more resources in this category.
Members see 17 resources in this category.
Members see 11 resources in this category.
Members see 14 resources in this category.
Members see 18 resources in this category.
Poem/Prayer for Worship by Thom Shuman
Poem/Prayer for Worship by Thom Shuman
Members see 86 more resources in this category.
Members see 23 resources in this category.
Members see 1 resource in this category.
by Gayle MacDonald and Chris Bowman
Members see 22 more resources in this category.