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Mark 4:26-34 (links validated 5/7/24a)

Illustrated New Resources

Members see 6 resources in this category.

Other New Resources

Members see 34 resources in this category.

Recommended Resources

  • *Illustrations, Quotes and Lectionary Reflections (Ordinary 11B)

    by Various Authors
    ("A visitor to the Vatican was quite impressed with the beauty and power of the place. He asked Pope John XXIII this question: 'How many people do you have working here?' With a twinkle in his eye, the pope replied, 'About half of them'...")

Members see 7 more resources in this category.

Illustrated Resources from 2021 to 2023

Members see 5 resources in this category.

Illustrated Resources from 2018 to 2020

[If you have any questions about navigating through the site (and for some helpful tips even if you do!), please check out our video guide. Just copy this link ( and paste it into your favorite browser.]

Members see 13 resources in this category.

Illustrated Resources from 2012 to 2017

Members see 16 resources in this category.

Illustrated Resources from 2009 to 2011

  • Proper 6B (2009)

    by Robert Morrison
    ("Annie Dillard wrote a book with the marvellous title Teaching a Stone to Talk. In it she said, 'Why do people in church seem like cheerful, brainless tourists on a packaged tour of the Absolute? On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of the conditions..." and other illustrations)
  • *The Third Ear and the Imagination of Jesus

    Sermon Starter by Leonard Sweet
    ("Every morning the early local newscast reports on how good or bad the daily commute is going. Strategically perched cameras and computer generated models show whether there is clear sailing or clogged arterials on the major commute-routes. Seattle is a city consistently in the Top 10 for its gelatinous traffic jams - the LA freeway is a breezeway compared to Seattle's Route 5 most of the time...")

Members see 10 more resources in this category.

Illustrated Resources (and Other Resources of Merit) from the Archives

  • *Not the Purdue Way

    by Donald Hoffman
    ("Every year millions of people go on diets. Again. And they try harder. And a few of them actually lose weight, for a while. But only one out of a thousand takes it off and keeps it off. The only people who are successfully dieting are anorexics...")
  • In the Garden (Not THAT Garden!)

    by Linda Kraft
    "Last year I read about a Century Plant growing at the University of Connecticut. This gigantic plant only blooms once in every hundred years – and most people would say that’s a really good thing. When it IS fully grown and opens up its flowering bud, its scent is grotesquely unappetizing..."
  • *Seeds and Weeds

    by Anne Le Bas
    ("Pliny the Elder, a Roman author writing at the same time as Jesus knew it well. This is what he wrote about it: 'With its pungent taste and fiery effect, mustard is extremely beneficial for the health. It grows entirely wild, though it is improved by being transplanted: but on the other hand, when it has once been sown, it is scarcely possible to get the place free of it...")
  • Ordinary 11B (2006)

    by Paul O'Reilly, SJ
    ("Some people imagine that the passage of two millenia since Jesus' time has somehow diminished the first evangelical fervour of that mustard seed. I have to admit that, until I was myself sent on the missions, I would have been one of them. That was before I was sent to work in the Rupununi in South America, the Northern riverain of the Amazon...")
  • *The Smallest Things

    by Michael Phillips
    ("Nick Thomas found himself at the age of forty-seven unemployed and under tremendous financial pressure. Though he had a successful career in the Air Force and the insurance business, some reversals had set him back and left him with no place to go. His wife, Liz, made their situation a matter of prayer..." and other illustrations)

Members see 16 more resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2021 to 2023

Members see 25 resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2018 to 2020

[If you have any questions about navigating through the site (and for some helpful tips even if you do!), please check out our video guide. Just copy this link ( and paste it into your favorite browser.]

Members see 35 resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2015 to 2017

Members see 37 resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2012 to 2014

Members see 38 more resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2009 to 2011

Members see 16 more resources in this category.

Other Resources from 2006 to 2008

Members see 23 resources in this category.

Other Resources from the Archives

Members see 24 resources in this category.

Children's Resources and Dramas

Members see 55 resources in this category.

The Classics

Members see 16 resources in this category.

Recursos en Español

Members see 37 resources in this category.

Currently Unavailable

Members see 12 resources in this category.