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Book of Common Prayer Lectionary Revised Common Lectionary Reflection and Response Today's readings remind and reaffirm God's complete command over all creation. God's reply to Job asserts the majesty of God as the Creator and Ruler of the world. The psalmist praises the power of God, who delivers the distressed. Paul commends the ministry of reconciliation to all Christians. In the gospel, Jesus stills a storm at sea, revealing that he shares God's power over creation. First Reading: Job 38:1-11, 16-18 The basic story found in the prose sections that begin and end the book (1:12:13, 42:7-17) tells of the righteous sufferer, the proverbial 'patient Job' (Ezekiel 14:14, 20; James 5:11). This story may have been set down in writing as early as the time of David and Solomon (1000800 B.C.). The poetic sections that have been inserted into the prose storythe dialogues of Job and his three comforters about God's ways of justice and the final response of the Lord to Jobare post-exilic and date from between 600300 B.C. Speaking out of profound faith, Job has asserted his innocence and challenged God to answer him (31:35-40) and account for his suffering. In today's reading, the Lord speaks from the whirlwind in fulfillment of Job's longing (13:22, 23:5, 30:20). Although God vindicates Job's innocence and denounces the dogmatism of his friends (42:7-17), God's ways are not to be comprehended. The result is a kind of stand off. God does not give Job the explanation he wants, and Job does not surrender his own integrity. Rather, Job yields to the Lord and is transformed by his experience of confrontation (42:5). The resolution of the problem of the just person who suffers is hidden in the mystery of the person of God. God is truly free of all human restraints, even beyond the highest human standards of justice and mercy (Exodus 33:19; Romans 9:15). At the furthest extreme, God remains a hidden God (Isaiah 45:15) shrouded in unfathomable mystery. Job 38:1-11, 16-18 Have you entered into the springs of the sea, Psalm: Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Some went down to the sea in ships, For he commanded and raised the stormy wind, Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, Then they were glad because they had quiet, Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, Let them extol him in the congregation of the people, Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 (BCP) Thus now no one may be treated simply "from a human point of view" (v. 16)literally, according to the flesh, for everyone in Christ is now a "new creation" (v. 17), capable of a new kind of human existence. As Christians have been reconciled to God through Christ, so they now should carry the message of reconciliation to others, inviting them to accept the forgiveness of God. This forgiveness is through Christ, who was "made...to be sin" (v. 21) so that Christians might be in the right relationship with God. This new relationship is the basis upon which those "in Christ" may, even though they are still living in the midst of the old creation, show forth the nature of the new creation. All former relationships and attitudes, "those from a human point of view," are now to be transformed. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 (BCP) Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (RCL) But Paul is realistic when he notes that participating in God's reconciling activity requires a cost for the disciple. In fact, in a curious reversal of the usual practice, Paul recommends himself as an authentic Christian missionary by boasting not in his successes but in his apparent failures and sufferings. He catalogs his own hardships in the ministry (vv. 4-8) as an indicator of the type of things a Christian will face. To those outside, the external appearances never coincide with the internal reality. Contradictions abound because results come not from the minister but from God working in all for salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (RCL) Gospel: Mark 4:35-41; (5:1-20) The storm on the sea not only illustrates the situation of the disciples but also that of Mark's communitytossed about by the chaos around them with Jesus apparently asleep at the steering rudder (v. 38). In their panic, the disciples awaken Jesus, who calms the storm with a word. Then Jesus issues the first of a set of challenges to them (7:18, 8:17, 21, 9:19) to come to faith in the rule of God as shown in him (4:40). The great storm is a test of what the disciples have learned from Jesus' teaching (4:34). But as always in Mark's gospel, the disciples fail to demonstrate that they have understood. Jesus' demonstration of power over nature is another indication that Jesus' ministry participates in God's power. God alone has power over the seas (Psalm 65:7; Job 12:15), even over the primeval waters of chaos (Isaiah 51:10; Jeremiah 5:22). Jesus rebuked the wind (v. 39), the same Greek word used to describe Jesus' power to drive out demons (1:25, 9:25), saying to the sea literally be muzzled' (as in 1:25). The story of the healing of the demoniac is set in predominately Gentile territory on the east of the Sea of Galileehence the presence of pigs, considered unclean by Jews (Deuteronomy 14:8; Leviticus 11:7-8). In scripture, demons apparently have no independent existence in our world but must be embodied to carry on their destructive work. Confronted by Jesus, the demon tries to use Jesus' name to bind him (1:24) recognizing his association with Israel's God. His answer to Jesus' question vacillates between the singular and the plural. The herdsmen's eyewitness reports lead, not to faith, but to fear among the inhabitants because no ordinary man possesses such awesome power. The demoniac, however, begs to become a disciple, to "be with" Jesusthe first condition of discipleship for Mark (3:14). He is told rather to proclaim God's mercy to his own household and to those in the Gentile area. And, indeed, following Jesus instruction, he becomes the first apostle to the Gentiles. Mark 4:35-41; (5:1-20) Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. (They came to the other side of the sea, Then Jesus asked him, What is your name? The swineherds ran off As he was getting into the boat, Reflection and Response When the Lord answers Job out of the whirlwind giving an awesome view of creative power and might, Job's heart trembles before the one with whom he had contended so ignorantly and reproachfully. His fear is not only the beginning of wisdom, but also the beginning of real faith, as his ensuing humility leads to confession and acceptance by the Lord. Job makes one of the greatest confessions of faith in the Bible: "For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at last he will stand upon the earth; and after my skin has been thus destroyed, then from my flesh I shall see God" (Job. 19:25-26). Job's spiritual experience is repeated by the disciples' experience on the Sea of Galilee. Putting out to sea in the evenings was a grave risk, since the sudden storms that come up on the sea often occur at sundown. In this scene, the disciples were obeying the Lord's command against the odds for security. We tend to think that having Jesus in the boat would have spared them any trouble. The disciples are not prepared for the action Jesus takes. He stills the storm at sea in an exhibition of God's power and control over creation. His question: "Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?" is meant to convey to the disciples that their security lay in a different realm. When God is in control, no forces of destruction can touch them. The disciples fear the wrong things. Their reaction, however, is not initially to have more faith, but more fear. The disciples were in for yet another shocking experience on the other side of the lake where Jesus heals a madman. Again, through the veil of flesh, the God of our salvation is revealed. Satanic forces had created a raving lunatica symbol of the whole world of humanity, collectively possessed by dark, destructive powers that seem out of control and beyond help or healing. But look what we see Jesus do. He travels across a dangerous lake just to heal one poor, helpless demoniacone who, in the eyes of others, is beyond hope. Jesus is the God who promises salvation from any kind of horror and a new, redeemed life. Then he commissions us to go and "tell how much the Lord had done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." Christ will bring the whole mad world to sit at his feet: healed, clothed and in its right mind. Quietly consider: Prayer Starter |
©Copyright 2006 Living The Good News
The Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee The Right Reverend Charles G. vonRosenberg, Bishop 814 Episcopal School Way Web Editor: editor@etdiocese.net |