January 21, 2001
by Linda Kraft

Luke 4:14-21

This past week, as I've been living with the texts for this Sunday, I've been rolling them around in my head, watching the newspapers and TV news reports, going to meetings and a funeral, and just generally taking in the world through the lens that this Sunday's texts offer. Now, this is nothing new. I do this every week. It helps me to listen to the "old" words and, as Nehemiah's sages did, to interpret them in words that sound more modern for our ears.

Late this week, Franklin Ishida of the ELCA's Division for Global Mission sent an email message to our pastors' meeting that I think helps us to focus on the meaning of this Sunday's gospel text. As we journey through the Epiphany season we are to be looking for signs that God is with us. Frank's message forwards for our consideration a letter he received from a woman missionary in Thailand.

Lori Endress writes from Bangkok:

And, the letter is signed: Lori Endress, College of Religious Studies, Bangkok, Thailand

Lori's letter reminds me of what we in the Stafford area are doing this Sunday. Actually, we're not alone as we exchange representatives from area churches bringing to a close this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. With this small gesture, we do as Lori is doing in Thailand. We "broaden religious understanding, eradicate prejudice and intolerance bred by ignorance, and strengthen personal faith." We acknowledge Jesus as Lord and risk real engagement with one another.

We all know that in the past, and still in many places today, religious traditions of "those other people" are often held suspect. Traditionally Christians have "defended" the world against Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Within Christianity we know we have not always loved our neighbor as ourselves. Lori wrote about the way we can overcome our human tendencies. She asks us to consider "real listening, respecting, openness, honesty -- and vulnerability."

"Trust is crucial, yet so very fragile," Lori wrote. "But because God is with each person, we are all to strive in love earnestly and with patience, and often with some hilarity, to set things right again....We find ourselves reaching with God beyond boundaries of all sorts. Through the ever-present love of God, we accept and are accepted. We mutually receive and give. We transform and are transformed."

Jesus read the scroll of Isaiah about God's Spirit being upon him. He indicated God had sent HIM to proclaim release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free and to proclaim God's grace and freedom for all. You and I have received God's Spirit, too. At our baptism we were called into ministry, into servanthood.

Jesus reached beyond boundaries of place and gender and cleanliness, and through his touch others learned of the Creator's gentle lovingkindness.

Jesus reaches beyond boundaries of time when WE continue his ministry wherever we go. We are strengthened to love others through the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. We find peace in hardship and grief because God continues to reach through time to give us hope. We have a gift to share with the world, but let's not forget to watch and listen to how the world shares God's gifts with us.

As Paul wrote, one gift is not better than another, except for love. One person has no superior part in the mission than another. Each of us has been blessed by the Holy Spirit, strengthened for ministry and offered hope in the eternal love of our Creator. As we walk together into the future, let us share that love of God abundantly and without boundaries. "For the joy of the Lord is (y)our strength." (Neh 8:10) Amen.

Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, for all people according to their needs.

Strong and joyful God, you call us together from many places and send us out to live as you have taught us. As you were present with the Chosen People, uniting them to rebuild their nation, we ask your presence with us in America as we work together to provide justice and mercy for all your children. Uphold faith-filled leaders in all nations and bring unjust rulers to find merciful solutions to their nations' problems. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. (Nehemiah 8:1-10)

Lord God, our rock and our redeemer, we come to you asking for strength to resist temptation. Your ordinances offer us guidance and great reward. Keep us mindful of our shortcomings so that we might deal graciously with those who also struggle with temptation. Help us to rebuild broken relationships and to move forward in your love. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. (Psalm 19)

Marvelous Creator, though we are divided among many churches we are already one body in your sight. Yet we continue to divide ourselves along lines of tradition, pride and purpose. We ask your forgiveness and we beg for strength to witness together in love so that the world may know of your salvation, accomplished through your son, Jesus the Christ. Bring us together in witness through serving others in your name. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. (1 Cor 12:12-31a)

Healing and releasing God, in your son you embodied hope for all. You offered good news of release, recovery and an end to oppression. Some of your children still struggle in these conditions. Today we pray for:

Are there others we should include in our prayers?

Our eyes are fixed on you, Lord, to fulfill your promise of wholeness. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. (Luke 4:14-21)

Into your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

(Comments to Linda at Linda_Kraft@Ecunet.org.)

Linda Kraft, Pastor at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Stafford Springs, CT
Secretary, Slovak Zion Synod, ELCA
Board Member: ELCA Division for Higher Education and Schools